Young adult ministry in the Catholic Church connects young adults with:
• Jesus Christ, fostering personal growth in faith as disciples;
• the church, by inviting and welcoming their presence in the Christian community;
• the mission of the church in the world; and
• a peer community in which their faith is nurtured and strengthened

Often, the first community that Catholics connect with is the parish. This may be where they were baptized, where they stop by when they are in town, or where they hope to marry. Pastoral ministry for young adults in our parishes provides a “home” where they can more personally experience their faith.

Young Adults:
Sons and Daughters of the Light: US Pastoral Plan for Young Adult Ministry

Following are links to other ministries in our diocese providing programming and a community:

Veritas is a back-to-basics, fun, and spirit-filled weekend designed to deepen participants’ understanding of the Catholic Faith while learning how to live for God in our complex world.

Catholic Connect
Catholic Connect is a faith sharing group for young adults (ages  20-35) seeking to grow closer to God and understand the Catholic faith. Through Bible study, praise and worship, service, and fellowship, young adults are connected to others who share their passion to learn and grow closer to Christ. Connect meets weekly on Wednesday nights from 7:30-9 p.m. at Holy Spirit Parish, and adults of all faith levels are welcome to attend. For more information, contact Connect at

Young adults (college-age, young professionals, married, single, divorced) are invited to gather to answer the late Pope John Paul II’s call for a new evangelization.  Tuesdays at 7:00 pm for the rosary in the St. Thomas Ministry Center chapel followed at 7:30 pm in the Community Room by introductions, praise and worship, presentations, small group discussion and social time. Contact David and Amy Marchinda at for more information.

College Students Connecting with Christ
Pursue your immediate and distant dreams and find peace along the way!  Various monthly opportunities to meet with host families for Souper Sunday meals, and times for coffee house Bible studies, prayer, dialogue, service projects and more.  Meet at the St. Thomas Ministry Center on certain 3rd Thursdays, 7:00-9:00 pm.

Young adults (18 – 35 yrs., married, single, divorced) are invited to gather from 7:00-9:00pm on Monday nights at Kateri Lodge at Our Lady of Consolation in Rockford. The ministry includes catechesis, prayer, praise and worship, bible study, discussion, interactive activities, social events and service. Trifecta is focused on meeting the needs of young adults through various programs within the parish, as well as in the diocese and community. For more information contact:

Young Adult Coordinator, Phil Dolci at
Young Adult Contact, Teresa Border at
Young Adult Facilitator, Theresa Cole at

The Fire
All 18-35 year olds are invited to come to The Fire every Thursday evening from 7:00-9:00pm in the Ministry Center at Assumption parish in Belmont (behind the school). We do Bible studies, apologetic nights, Dead Theologians Society (we learn about the Saints), service and socials. For questions or more information contact: Beth Baltruczak at or phone 361-5126 ext. 258.

Tuesday Night Crew
A vibrant Catholic community for young adults that is not limited to just Catholic Christians but open to people of all denominations. This group spontaneously began several years ago when several friends started attending the Tuesday Night Mass at Sts. Peter and Paul that was followed by having a burger and fellowship with Fr. Den at St. George’s Hall down the street. We continue to meet every Tuesday night at 7 pm at Ss. Peter and Paul Catholic Church followed by fellowship at St. Georges Hall.

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